In September of 2015, My friend Theresa booked a flight to India to take courses at the Oneness University. She asked me to go. I told her I couldn’t make the trip because I had too many bills to pay and I would have to have someone watch my dog. I would also have to take off from work. I couldn’t see how I could possibly make such a long trip at that time.
A few days after telling Theresa that I wasn’t going to India, I started receiving a series of miracles. On one occasion, as I was giving a Reiki healing to someone, I saw a figure standing in front of me at the foot of the recipient. He reached out his arms to pull me toward him. I mentally asked him who he was. He said he was Jesus. I whispered, “Thank you for being here” to him. At night I was having dreams of two peacocks walking around me. Then one night, I kept waking up. Fear issues kept coming up. My fear of not having enough money and my fear of leaving my dog Nya. I was up at 2:00 in the morning prancing back and forth wondering why I was feeling the way I was. When I slept,I had dreams that I was in India. I saw an Indian man in one of my dreams. He pointed to me and said, “I want to talk to you!” Before I woke up for work I was dreaming I was in a bed in India and a big bug was in my hair. I started to scream really loud. Then I realized I was in my own bed. I shook my head to get the bug out. It seemed so real. Then the bug was gone. I jumped out of bed. I noticed at that moment that I didn’t have any more fears about going to India.
My mind was totally changed. I wanted to go to India right away. I had no fears or concerns about the trip. It was 5:30 in the morning when I texted Theresa to tell her I was going to India with her. The class started in India at the Oneness University in two weeks! My boss gave me off. I was able to get a visa quickly online. I got a plane ticket on the same plane as Theresa and we sat together. What a miracle.
I had beautiful experience at the Oneness University. The classes consisted of meditation, healing and processing. It was a life changing experience.
The picture at the top of this post is the picture I took when we visited the St. Thomas shrine in Channai, India.
Notice Jesus has two peacocks at his feet just like the peacocks in my dream. My Divine wanted me to come here to India to get the healing and teachings I received. It was a beautiful trip that I will never forget. My divine loves me. God loves me. Thank you for all the miracles I receive big and small every day.