Years ago, while I was in a book store, I came across a book called Animal Spirits. I started thinking about this. “Is there such a thing as animal spirits?” I asked myself that question and didn’t think about it again. A few days later, while I was asleep, an immense feline animal spirit came and stood on me. I could still feel how he was balancing his paws on my thighs. I remember feeling petrified. I couldn’t tell if it was a dream or not. Then it was gone. I went back to sleep.
When I woke up the following day, I realized what had happened. I asked the question while I was in the book store that day. The leopard Animal spirit came to let me know that there is such a thing as Animal spirits.
I come from a Native American background. My father is half Black foot Indian, and my mother was half Pawnee. Although I’m mixed with other origins (possibly African, East Indian, etc.) I believe my Native American background is why I have such a strong connection to animals. I also have compassion toward them.
When I became aware of animal spirits, they came to me. A wolf, bear, lion, deer, etc. All at different times. Animal spirits come to us in our lifetime to help us. You can find out what your animal spirit is at this time when you take an Animal spirit workshop. I give Animal spirit workshops throughout the year.